Saturday, 3 April 2010

Fuck Nicole... and The Teenagers!

...and so the long awaited Teenagers' gig has come and flown by. but let's put things in the right order: after a quick lunch with a friend - and in a desperate need of a strong coffee - I found my way through the crowd in FNAC looking for We Have Band's newly released album (btw I've seen them live last week and they've been simply amazing!!!), however on my way to the alternative music's corner who could I have seen in the middle of the store if not The Teenagers?!or in the very least 2/3 of them. Recovering from the shock I decided to reach them and ask for the forthcoming gig and I have to admit that my first impression wasn't that good: the guys seemed pretty confused, even annoyed by me, so after a few meaningless words I just went away, wondering why on earth their singer was so eager to find some new headphones right here in Milan. Anyway, around midnight me and my friends arrived at the club and were just a little surprised in finding it still closed (never ever trust an italian flier!); after a little queue we finally got in, finding the always dark and nasty Tunnel even worse than usual. After a good but completely unfitting support band I cannot remember the name of - the Teenagers appeared on stage. And that's when things fell off: 6 songs - in between two new ones, the second of which seemed pretty nice - and the gig was over. But that wasn't even the point. The real problems have been (in no particular order): a sort of annoying self-enamourment of the singer, the almost invisible rest of the band (my grandma is much more lively, and she's six feet under) and the exaggerated participation of the audience that actually sang half of the over-mentioned songs. On "homecoming" my friends begged me to go on stage 'cause that's really been the kitschest, trashiest and most embarassing moment I've ever happened to witness: over a dozen guys jumped on stage and tried - I repeat TRIED - to sing along with the band. And here the disaster happened: not only they didn't know the proper lyrics - but I mean, what did you expect from italian folk?! - but they didn't even want to give the mic back to the singer! What else can I say?!definitely the worst gig of the year. huff,that's been such a disappointment... So I guess the only thing I can do now is cross my fingers and put all my hopes on These New Puritans' shoulders... oh Jack please come and save me!!!!